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Daniels Sharpsguard Yellow Lid 32L Theatre+ Sharps Bins (Pack of 4)

Daniels Sharpsguard Yellow Lid 32L Theatre+ Sharps Bins (Pack of 4)

£79.96 exc. 20% VAT(£95.95 Inc. VAT)


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  • Pack of 4 large capacity bins for the disposal of uncontaminated sharps
  • Suitable for operating theatres, acute medical areas, labs, and X-ray departments
  • Label and yellow lid help ensure the correct container is used
  • Temporary closure for use and secure closure for transporting
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Brand:  Daniels

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Daniels Sharpsguard Yellow Lid 32L Theatre+ Sharps Bins (Pack of 4)

Robust and puncture resistant, the Daniels Sharpsguards Yellow Lid 32L Theatre+ Sharps Bins (Pack of 4) dispose of and store contaminated sharps, including long instruments such as staple guns, trocars, guidewires, and biposy forceps. Certified to ISO 23907-1:2019, these sharps containers provide the quality assurance required for safe and effective waste management of sharps in the workplace, and are trusted by health care bodies and professionals.

What's Included?

  • 4 x 32L Sharps Bin Units

Please Note: The Daniels Sharpsguard Yellow Lid 32L Theatre+ Sharps Bins are suitable for sharps contaminated by medicinal products, excluding cytotoxic and cytostatic.

Technical Specifications

  • Usable Capacity: 32.00 Litres
  • Container weight (g): 1729g
  • Container Size (H x L x W): 71.0cm x 30.7cm x 29.1cm
  • Aperture Dimensions (W x L): 17.6cm x 8.9cm
  • Material: Made from 43% recycled plastic
  • Product Code: DD540YLR
  • NHS Supply Chain Code: FSL1829
  • Carton contains: 4 units
  • Carton Dimensions (H x L x W): 55.6cm x 80.3cm x 33.3cm
  • Weight of carton and containers (kg): 7.82kg
  • Certified for UN3291 Clinical Waste
  • Certified to ISO 23907-1: 2019

These sharps containers are for disposal by incineration or other authorised process and are for the consignment of waste categorised by EWC codes: 18-01-01, 18-01-03*, 18-02-01, 18-02-02*.

Key Features

  • Tall large capacity containers for disposal of uncontaminated sharps for incineration
  • Large capacity ideal for theatres, acute medical areas, x-ray departments, laboratories and more
  • Upright design for the disposal of long instruments such as staple guns, trocars, and more
  • Temporary closure for use and secure closure for transporting
  • Robust pail handle for easy and safe transportation of waste
  • Sustainable alternative made from 43% recycled plastic

What Are The 32L Daniels Sharps Bins Designed For?

The Daniels Sharpsguard Yellow Lid 32L Theatre+ Sharps Bins are designed for the safe disposal of sharps not contaminated with medicine. As the design of these containers feature an upright position, they are particularly useful for the disposal of long instruments such as staple guns, trocars, guidewires and biopsy forceps.

Who Can Use the Theatre+ Large Sharps Bins?

The Sharpsguard Theatre+ Bins are ideal for use in operating theatres, acute medical areas, X-ray departments, laboratories, and more allowing for the safer disposal of uncontaminated sharps.

For High-Volume Sharps Waste Management

The Sharpsguard Yellow Theatre+ Sharps Container has been designed to provide a safer method of storing used sharps in larger capacities. Each container provides space for a greater quantity of sharps for disposal, enabling storage for up to 32 litres of sharps waste at any one time. This will be particularly useful for theatres and laboratories, where high volumes of sharps waste needs to be disposed of safely and securely.

Easy Identification of Waste Contents

Each container includes a yellow lid to allow for colour coding. This will provide a visual prompt for eliminating the chance of objects being placed in the incorrect containers. The label on the front of the bin will also provide improved safety, with space for writing information including location, department, and start date of the bin.

How Secure Is the Theatre+ Yellow Sharps Bin?

With two closure styles, the Theatre+ Sharps Bin facilitates the secure disposal of long sharps. It features a temporary closure for in between use, with a permanent closure designed to increase safety during transportation.

Returns Policy - This Item Is Not Returnable On Grounds Of Hygiene

This item is non-returnable and non-refundable on grounds of hygiene.

Please note, Lab World is dedicated to maintaining the highest levels of hygiene for all of its products and for this reason this item is non-refundable and non-returnable if unsuitable or unwanted on grounds of hygiene.

If you have any questions regarding this returns policy, please contact our Lab World Customer Care Team on 020 7501 1105 for further details.

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