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Digital Counter

Digital Counter

£363.09 exc. 20% VAT(£435.71 Inc. VAT)
  • Timer for measuring duration of motion, transition times etc
  • Speaker included and power supplies included
  • Counter events can be triggered by a signal or manually
  • Times measurement from 0.1ms - 99999s
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digital counter

The Digital Counter is a timer for measuring a number of factors during an experiment: the duration of motion, transition times, periods, pendulum periods and frequencies, as well as for counting events or Geiger tube pulses.

This product includes a speaker that can be turned on and off, as well as power supplies for a direct connection to light barriers, or for powering a Geiger-Müller counter. For event counting, a fixed counting period can be programmed in a range from 1 - 99999s. Counter events (start, stop) can either be triggered by a signal to the input sockets or manually via switches.

The Digital Counter comes complete with a plug-in power supply, ready for use.

technical specification

  • Time measurement: 0.1ms - 99999s
  • Resolution: 0.1ms/ 1ms/ 0.1s
  • Frequency measurement: 1 - 100kHz, where voltage >1.5Vpp
  • Resolution: 1mHz (1 - 100Hz), 1Hz (1 - 100kHz)
  • Counting periods: 1/10/60/100s or manually triggered
  • Input A: miniDIN 8 socket, 4mm safety sockets
  • Input B: miniDin 8 socket, 4mm safety sockts
  • Input voltage A: 0.5V - 15V AC
  • Input voltage B: 1V - 15V AC
  • Active edge: rising/falling
  • Counter tube input: BNC socket
  • Power supply: 550V/1MΩ
  • Display: 5-digit LED display
  • Operating voltage: 9 - 12V DC via plug-in power supply
  • Dimensions: approx. 250 x 100 x 160mm3
  • Weight: approx. 0.8kg
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